Wednesday, 10 June 2009

A New Beginning

It is a widely held view that the BNP won their two miserable seats in the European Parliament by taking votes from Labour.
Now it is true that the Labour vote declined dramatically and that the BNP picked up seats because of the lower turnout.That much is true and it is largely the result of the Labour Government fixing the threshold for seats at too low a level.

Could that simply be a result of an extremely generous impulse to assist minority views get an airing or a cynical view that maube Labour itself would need a lower threshold to keep itself in business?
Too cynical a view even for me to contemplate.

But Channel4 research reveals that whilst the large Labour abstentions helped the fascists reach the % points necessary,there was no widespread evidence that large numbers of voters were attracted to the fascist fold.

Firstly their actual vote was down on last time,despite the vast sums that they have claimed to have been able to spend on the election.

Secondly and perhaps more interestingly is the evidence that they attracted that section of the white working class,the manual workers who read the Sun and the Star and were working class Tory voters.
The simple and obvious fact is that the BNP have attracted exactly who has always been likely to vote extreme right anywhere in Europe.
Working class semi-skilled and lower middle class 'aspirational' have always been the targets of xenaphobic bigots and hatemongers.

Think redneck-the sort of mediocrity that always needs someone else to blame for their own failure.
You can bet your life that the average BNP voter blames everone and everything for what's gone wrong in their lives-only happy when they can point the finger and blame someone else.
Preferably of course an immigrant with a dark skin who will have taken "their job,their house,their hospital bed,the food out of their children's mouth,their wife,their children and probably even their pet"

Nick Griffin blames 'red thugs' for lobbing an egg at him, will he also condemn 'red,white and blue' thugs who intimidated a Labour counting agent at a polling station in Northampton on Thursday?
Why do I expect the ill named 'Northampton patriot' to bleat about needing proof and citing lack of Police involvement as proof that nothing happened?

But of course few people are willing to risk fascist intimidation-it has a long and ugly history!

The BNP did badly in Northampton, almost as badly as the Christian People's Alliance,keen defenders of the BNP's right to spew racist ideology, but as long as their is a white underclass determined to plead victimhood,then there is a leechlike political ideology willing to feed their paranoia.


  1. You can bet your life that the average BNP voter blames everone and everything for what's gone wrong in their lives-only happy when they can point the finger and blame someone else.
    Preferably of course an immigrant with a dark skin who will have taken "their job,their house,their hospital bed,the food out of their children's mouth,their wife,their children and probably even their pet"

    A National Front voter, maybe. What the BNP wants, and the vast majority of people in this country wants is a stop to Immigration, this country is full. Thanks to the Labour party, who you were actively involved with for years, we do not have a clue who is here or how many people are here. Colour of a persons skin is not the issue, it is a matter of demographics.

    Why do I expect the ill named 'Northampton patriot' to bleat about needing proof and citing lack of Police involvement as proof that nothing happened?

    It is Northants Patriot, not Northampton Patriot. I cannot comment on what happened as I was not there and have only heard third party gossip. I will no doubt be told exactly what happened at the next Northants Branch meeting.

    The BNP did badly in Northampton

    Depends what your definition of bad is, we polled an avearge of 13% in the three wards we stood, one of which was new territory. We did not distribute any literature pertaining to the local elections and we did no canvassing. If that is our latent support without campaigning I am more than happy. For your information, Northamptonshire was one of the few counties where the BNP did not fall below 10% in any of the wards contested.

  2. It seems as if the BNP's election strategy was not to send out any information to voters which would reveal their true intentions and racist policies.

    And I disagree that it is a question of demographics not the colour of someones skin. I can't recall the BNP kicking up about white Australian Bar workers or white American professional classes?

    And emigration from the UK is still as high as immigration into the UK. God help most Brits if Spain had an SNP (or would that be ENP? or NPE?)
    Of course though the average BNP supporter would see it as their right to live wherever in the world they wished, its only Britain that needs protecting against the hordes of tax paying law abiding hard working migrants that make our economy tick whilst sections of the resident community sit on the backsides in denial and unwilling to contribute to society.

    And being a Northants Patriot? does that mean you hate all people from Warwickshire or Buckinghamshire?

    I for one am glad that Griffin was elected, not because he has a brain but simply because he hasn't. I look forward to the BNP getting as much exposure as possible so the country can see exactly what he and the party stand for.

    Holocaust denial, repatriation of all non white British Residents, a party where all non white citizens are banned from being members, and a party which thinks the best way of getting elected is to say nothing meaningful in the hope that people will vote for them despite rather than because of what they believe in

  3. Tony, show me in the BNP manifesto where it says repatriation of all non white British Residents. You say can't recall the BNP kicking up about white Australian Bar workers or white American professional classes. At the time when Aussie bar workers were ten a penny in the late 80's, early 90's we did not have the levels of immigration that we have at this moment in time, and even you must be suffering from amnesia if you cannot remember us saying we want close our borders to immigration from EU countries, whose residents if you have not noticed, are predominately white.

  4. "The British National Party stands for the preservation of the national and ethnic character of the British people and is wholly opposed to any form of racial integration between British and non European peoples. It is therefore committed to stemming and reversing the tide of non white immigration" BNP constitution

    It also states clearly that the option to move from voluntary to compulsory repatriation would be open to any BNP government.

    The constitution also says that anyone that cannot prove a link to Britain before 1948 can never be considered British.

  5. It does not say it wants to repatriate all non-whites, it says it wants to stem and reverse the tide to protect the integrity of the indigenous population. If a Nationalist party akin to the BNP were set up in New Zealand to protect Maoris or Australia to protect Aborigine's you'd no doubt be applauding and supporting their right to do so. I do not know your your take wildlife issues, but of you look at what happened to the Red Squirrel, British Crayfish..or even the humble woodlouse in this country after the introduction of non-native species you might begin to get the picture.

  6. Lets just agree to disagree Patriot after all we are both probably the products of a multi ethnic Europe, a mix of Angles, Saxons, Vikings, Celts or Normans with a German Queen on the throne married to a Greek husband, with a National Anthem written by an Austrian, and a patron Saint who was a black Palestinian soldier in the Roman Army. And as for crayfish? Well I prefer them from Louisiana as they are bigger and juicier.

  7. So it seems that in order to justify racial purity and the supremacy of the master race the BNP seek solace in the fate of the woodlouse!
    May I refer 'patriot' to Burn's poem 'To a louse'and there he can ponder on the faith that Burns put in common humanity and the perils of conceit and envy.But then I don't suppose Burn's appears on the BNP reading list, he was after all a republican and a supporter of both the French and American revolution and above all a democracat who believed in equality!

  8. Who said anything about supremacy of any master race. We are but animals and are subject to the laws of nature as much as any other. The examples given are a warning. You may not worry for what the future holds for your children and grandchildren but others do. Because you seek to embrace a multi-cultural society does not mean that all those that you seek to embrace will embrace to so fondly.

  9. Ah1 Rabbie Burns, the good Communists favourite poet

  10. It may surprise anonymous fascist to know that Burns is read and appreciated worldwide by people who value brotherhood and tolerance above racial bigotry and hate.

  11. Think they just found what may be a 'link' in the evolution of mankind.

    If this link to present day Man behaved as the BNP behave no homo sapien race would exist here.

    Mankind is about change, adaption, evolution.
    to stand still is to eventually die - as this fossil of the past shows.
